History of Sri Lankan Association of Geriatric Medicine
Demographically, Sri Lanka is the fastest ageing nation in the South East Asian region. The need to train health care providers who can identify special needs of the older persons and to serve the older community with adequate knowledge about elderly care is of paramount importance.
Sri Lankan Association of Geriatric Medicine was the brainchild of Consultant Rheumatologist Dr.Lalith Wijeyaratne who was holding the office of Chairman of the Specialty Board in Geriatric Medicine at the Post Graduate Institute of Colombo in 2014. Dr.Wijeyaratne was the visionary who understood the existing gap in the current Sri Lankan health system when it comes to the care of the elderly.

On the one hand PGIM had started the academic foundation by starting a specialty board in elderly medicine and on the other, the Ministry of Health had established directorate for Youth, Elderly and disabled. But the need to gather professionally qualified medical community to focus on the needs of older people in the country was thought to be best achieved by a professional organization with a common interest in Geriatric care. Hence this idea was communicated to the like-minded interested few doctors who were mostly from the PGIM Specialty Board and the discussion took place at National Hospital of Sri Lanka.
Based on these discussions Sri Lankan Association of Geriatric Medicine was inaugurated in 2014.The following photograph was taken on the day this discussion took place and shows the founder members of the Sri Lankan Association of Geriatric Medicine.
Dr. Dilhar Samaraweera was the founder President of the SLAGM. The SLAGM thrived under the guidance of Dr. Dilhar Samaraweera as the President from 2014 – 2018.
Founder members of SLAGM 19/02/2014 at NHSL
The Mission of SLAGM is to ensure promotion of geriatric education among the medical fraternity and the public in order to facilitate the development of elder friendly environment in health care institutions and in the community and to integrate the elderly activities carried out by various organizations for the common goal of promoting good health and wellbeing among the senior citizens.
The inaugural meeting of the Sri Lankan Association of Geriatric Medicine was held at the surgical lecture theatre on the 19th of February 2014 at the National Hospital of Sri Lanka, Colombo. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. Lalith Wijeratne, Consultant Rheumatologist and Chairperson of the Specialty Board in Elderly Medicine at the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine (PGIM), Colombo. Dr. Dilhar Samaraweera was formally nominated as the Founder President at this meeting.

Founder: Dr. Lalith Wijeyaratne
Past Presidents
2023 - 2024

Dr Barana Millawithana
2022 - 2023

Prof. Kamani Wanigasuriya
MBBS (Pera), MD (Col), MPhil, FRCP (Lon), FCCP, FRACP (Hon.) President
2020 – 2022

Prof. Sarath Lekamwasam
MD, FRCP, PhD, FRACP(Hon), Hon FCP(SA), FCPSP(Hon), Professor of Medicine
2018 - 2020

Dr. Padma Gunaratne
MD(SL), FRCP(Edin), FRCP(Glasg), FRCP(Lond), FCCP, Hon FRACP, FAAN, FWSO, Consultant Neurologist
2014 – 2017

Dr. Dilhar Samaraweera
MD(SL), MRCP(UK), FCCP, FRCP(Lond), Consultant Physician

The Logo for the Council was designed by Dr.Shanika Karunaratne
(Senior Registrar in Cardiology)
Inaugural Council of SLAGM
Dr. Selvi Perera
Dr. Dilhar Samaraweera
Dr. Achala Balasuriya
Vice President
Dr. Priyankara Jayawardena
Assistant Secretary
Dr. Dilanka Thilakarathna
Dr. Aindralal Balasuriya
Council Member
Prof. Sarath Lekamwasam
Dr. Antoinette Perera
Dr. Shiromi Maduwage
Dr. Barana Millawithana
Dr. Lalith Wijeratne

Seated from left:
Dr.Lalith Wijeyaratne(Founder), Dr.Achala Balasuriya(Secretary), Dr.Selvi Perera(Patron), Dr. Dilhar Samaraweera( President) and Prof Antoinette Perera
Standing from left:
Dr.Dilanka Thilakaratne, Dr.Barana Millawithana, Dr.Shiromi Maduwage, Dr.Priyankara Jayawardena, Dr. Aindralal Balasuirya ( Treasurer)
Consecutive Council photographs of SLAGM
Dr. Selvi Perera
Dr. Dilhar Samaraweera
Dr. Achala Balasuriya
Vice President
Dr. Priyankara Jayawardena
Assistant Secretary
Dr. Kalhari Sewwandi
Dr. Aindralal Balasuriya
Assistant Treasurer
Dr. Sampath Aruna
Dr. Aindralal Balasuriya
Council Member
Dr. Lasantha Ganewatte
Dr. Antoinette Perera
Dr. Shiromi Maduwage
Dr. Barana Millawithana
Dr. Lalith Wijeratne

Seated from left:
Dr. Aindralal Balasuriya (Treasurer), Dr.Achala Balasuriya (Secretary), Dr. Dilhar Samaaweera(President), Dr.Selvi Perera (Patron), Dr.Lalith Wijeyaratne(Founder) and Prof.Antoinette Perera.
Standing from left:
Dr.Kalhari Sewwandi, Dr.Lasantha Ganewatte, Dr.Shiromi Maduwage, Dr.Priyankara Jayawadena (Vice President), Dr.Barana Millawithana, Dr.Samattha Ananda ( Assistant Treasurer).
Consecutive Council photographs of SLAGM
Dr. Selvi Perera
Dr. Dilhar Samaraweera
Vice President
Dr. Priyankara Jayawardena
Dr. Achala Balasuriya
Dr. Chandana Kanakaratne
Assistant Secretary
Dr. Kalhari Sewwandi
Assistant Treasurer
Dr. Samatha Ananda
Council Members
Dr. Lalith Wijayaratne
Dr. Shiromi Maduwage
Dr. Ragunathan
Dr. Vajira
Dr. Dilanka Thilakaratne
Dr. Kithsri Karunathilake
Dr. Lasanthsa Ganewatte
Dr. Nelum Samaruthilake
Dr. K.P.C. Dalpadadu
Dr. Nalayini Rajaratnam
Dr. T.Kumanan
Dr. Sudarshan
Dr. Suranga Mailgama

Seated from left:
Prof. Antoinette Perera, Dr.Priyankara Jayawardena (Vice President), Dr.Selvi Perera(Patron), Dr.Dilhar Samaraweera(President), Dr.Lalith Wijeyaratne(Founder), Dr.Achala Balasuriya(Secretary)and Dr.Shiromi Maduwage
Standing from Left:
Dr.Samantha Anananda (Assistant Treasurer), Dr.Vajira Dassanayake (Treasurer), Dr.Lasantha Ganewatte, Dr.Chamila Dalpadadu, Dr.Nelum Samaruthilake, Dr.Dilanka Thilakaratne and Dr.Kalhari Sewwandi (Assistantsecretary)
Dr. Chandana Kanakaratne (Treasure), Dr. Ragunathan (Council Member), Dr. Kithsiri Karunathilake, Dr. Nalayani Rajaratnam (Council member), Dr. T. Kumanan (Council member), Dr. Sudharshan (Council member), Dr. Suranga Mailgama
Consecutive Council photographs of SLAGM
Dr. (Ms) Selvie Perera
Dr. Lalith Wijeratne
Dr. Dilhar Samaraweera
Vice President
Dr. Lasantha Ganaewatta
Dr. G.D.N. Samarutilake
Assistant Secretary
Dr. Tilanka de Silva
Dr. Vajira Dassanayake
Assistant Treasurer
Dr. B.P.C .Sashimal Jayaweera
Council members
Professor Antoinette Perera
Dr. Shiromi Maduwage
Dr. Padma Gunarathne
Dr. K P Karunatilake
Dr. Priyankara Jayawardene
Dr. K. P. C. Dalpadatu
Dr. Asanka P. Ratnayake
Dr. Dilanka Thilakarathna
Dr. M.A.B.S Millawithana

Seated left to right
Dr. GDN Samarutilake (Hony. Secretary), Professor Antionette Perera, Dr. Priyankara Jayawardene, Dr. Dilhar Samaraweera (President), Dr. Lasantha Ganewatte (Vice – President), Dr. Padma Gunaratne, Dr. Vajira Dassanayake (Treasurer)
Standing Left to right
Dr. Chamila Dalpatadu, Dr. Asanga Ratnayake, Dr. Tilanka de Silva (Assistant Secretary), Dr. Dilanka Thilakaratne, Dr. Shiromi Maduwage, Dr. Samantha Ananda, Dr. Sashimal Jayaweera (Assistant Treasurer)
Dr. Lalith Wijayaratne, Dr. Selvi Perera, Dr. Kithsri Karunathilake, Dr. MABS MIllawithana, Dr. Achala Balasuriya, Dr. Chandana Kanakaratne and Dr. Anoja Rajapakse
Consecutive Council photographs of SLAGM
Dr. Selvi Perera
Dr. Lalith Wijeratne
Dr. Padma S Gunaratne
Vice Presidents
Dr. Ruwan Ekanayaka
Dr. Priyanakara Jayawardana
Hon Secretary
Dr. Chamila Dalpathadu
Assistant Secretary
Dr. Thusha Nawasiwatta
Dr. Sajeewana Amarasingha
Assistant Treasurer
Dr. Vajira Dasanayaka
Dr. Senaka Bandusena
Immediate Past President
Dr. Dilhar Samaraweera
Council Members
- Dr. Jayanthimala Jayawardana
- Dr. Niluka Gunathilaka
- Dr. Barana Sampath Millawithana
- Dr. Kithsri Karunatilake
- Dr. Chandana Kanakaratna
- Dr. Kalhari Sewwandi
- Prof Nirmala Wijekoon
- Prof. Antoinette Perera
- Dr. Upul Dissanayake
- Dr. K.V.C. Janaka
- Dr. Achala Chamarie Balasuriya

Seated from left: Dr. Chamila Dalpathadu (Hon.secretary), Prof Chandrika Wijeratne (Council member), Dr. Chandana Kanakaratne (Council member), Dr. Priyanaka Jayawardana (Vice President), Dr. Ruwan Ekanayaka (Vice President), Dr. Padma Gunaratne (President), Dr.Dilhar Samaraweera (Immediate Past President), Dr. Lalith Wijeratne (Founder), Dr. Sajeewana Amarasingha (Treasurer), Dr. Nirmala Wijekoon (Council member), Prof. Antoinette Perera (Council member)
Standing from left: Dr. Kithsiri Karunathilake (Council member), Dr. Lasantha Ganewatte (Council member), Dr. Thusha Nawasiwatte (Assistant Secretary), Dr. Jayanthimala Jayawardana (Council member), Dr. Barana Millawithana (Council member), Dr. Vajira Dasanayaka (Assistant treasurer), Dr.Dilanka Thilakaratne (Council member), Dr. Pradeepa Gajendran (Council member), Dr. Senaka Bandusena (Editor), Dr. Ananda Jayalal (Council member)
Absent: Dr.Achala Balasuriya (Council member) , Dr. Upul Dissanayaka (Council member) , Dr. K.V.C. Janaka (Council member), Dr. Anoja Rajapaksha (Council member), Dr. G.K.K. Sewwandi (Council member)
Council of the Sri Lankan Association of Geriatric Medicine 2019

Seated from left: Dr. Shehan Silva (Secretary), Dr. Sajeewana Amarasinghe (Treasurer), Dr. Priyankara Jayewardana (Vice President), Prof. Nirmala Wijekoon (Academic Chair of the Conference), Dr. Dilhar Samaraweera (Past President), Dr. Padma Gunaratne (President), Prof. Sarath Lekamwasam (President Elect), Prof. Antoinette Perera, Dr. Ruwan Ekanayake (Vice President), Dr. Vajira Dassanayake (Asst. Treasurer), Dr. Anushika Abeynayake (Asst Secretary)
Standing 1st Row Left – Right: Dr. Shiromi Maduwage, Dr. Kishara Gooneratne, Dr. Dilanka Thilakarathne, Dr. Barana Millawithana, Dr. Sohan Cooray, Dr. Jayanthimala Jayawardene, Dr. Upul Dissanayake, Dr. Chandana Kanakarathne, Dr. Chaminda Garusinghe, Dr. Niluka Gunathilake, Dr. Madushani Dias
Standing 2nd Row Left – Right: Dr. Lasantha Ganewatta, Dr. Chamila Dalpatadu, Dr. Thusha Nawasiwatte, Dr. Ishanka Talagala, Dr. Vathulan Sujanitha, Dr. Hamsananthy Jeevatharan, Dr. Achala Balasooriya
Absentees: Dr. Lalith Wijeratne, Dr. Selvi Perera, Dr. Chamath Fernando, Dr. Pradeepa Gajendran
Council of the Sri Lankan Association of Geriatric Medicine 2019

Seated from left: Dr. Shehan Silva (Secretary), Dr. Sajeewana Amarasinghe (Treasurer), Dr. Priyankara Jayewardana (Vice President), Prof. Nirmala Wijekoon (Academic Chair of the Conference), Dr. Dilhar Samaraweera (Past President), Dr. Padma Gunaratne (President), Prof. Sarath Lekamwasam (President Elect), Prof. Antoinette Perera, Dr. Ruwan Ekanayake (Vice President), Dr. Vajira Dassanayake (Asst. Treasurer), Dr. Anushika Abeynayake (Asst Secretary)
Standing 1st Row Left – Right: Dr. Shiromi Maduwage, Dr. Kishara Gooneratne, Dr. Dilanka Thilakarathne, Dr. Barana Millawithana, Dr. Sohan Cooray, Dr. Jayanthimala Jayawardene, Dr. Upul Dissanayake, Dr. Chandana Kanakarathne, Dr. Chaminda Garusinghe, Dr. Niluka Gunathilake, Dr. Madushani Dias
Standing 2nd Row Left – Right: Dr. Lasantha Ganewatta, Dr. Chamila Dalpatadu, Dr. Thusha Nawasiwatte, Dr. Ishanka Talagala, Dr. Vathulan Sujanitha, Dr. Hamsananthy Jeevatharan, Dr. Achala Balasooriya
Absentees: Dr. Lalith Wijeratne, Dr. Selvi Perera, Dr. Chamath Fernando, Dr. Pradeepa Gajendran

Sated Row Left – Right
Dr Hiranthini de Silva(Joint Secretaries), Dr Achala Balasuriya(Editor), Dr Indika Kulasinghe(Treasurer), Dr Kapila Ranasinghe,( Vice Presidents), Dr Lalith Wijayaratne(Founder), Dr Lasantha Ganewatte(President Elect), Dr Barana Millawithana(President), Prof Kamani Wanigasuriya(Immediate Past President), Prof Sarath Lekamwasam(Past President), Dr Padma S Gunaratne(Past President), Dr Manilka Sumanathileke,( Vice Presidents), Dr Shiromi Maduwage, Dr Malsha Gunathilake(joint Secretaries)
Standing 1st Row Left – Right
Dr Dumitha Govindapala, Dr Anupraba Wickramasinghe, Dr Marylou Darmakan, Prof Shyamalee Samaranayake, Dr Warsha De Zoysa, Dr Kishara Guneratne, Dr Shehan Silva, Dr Yasas Abeywickrama, Dr Prasad Thilakarathna, Dr Chamila Dalpatadu, Dr. Shanika Nandasiri, Dr Udayangani Ramadasa, Dr Dilusha Lamabadusuriya.
Standing 2nd Row Left – Right
Mrs Nina Panterliyon, Dr Asha Wettasinghe, , Dr Amodha Madagedara, Dr Keshab Muttupulle, Dr. Namal Weerakoon, Mrs Chandrani Herath, , Mrs Nadeesha Adikari, Dr Nipuni Imbulgoda, Dr Madushani Dias.